Последние новости за 3 июня 2023 года


With proper care, jeans will not fade and will retain the integrity of the fabric for a long time. In this article, you will learn how to wash jeans properly.

Диана Дашкевич clothing care clothes cleaning washing Helpful tips

You've probably seen lots of funny videos where cats are terrified of cucumbers placed behind them when they don't expect it. While it's funny to watch, it's also curious why cats have such reaction to harmless plants.

Kate Yakimchuk cats cat pets facts pets Animals

Classicism in the interior is an artistic trend in Europe of the 17th - 19th centuries, which absorbed the ideals of ancient culture.

Диана Дашкевич home interior design style House Design

Есть в народе разные приметы на день сегодняшний, которые касаются как сельского хозяйства, так и погоды.

Павел Господарик Главные новости народные приметы приметы дождь погода Общество

Spectacle lenses can form microcracks, which gradually reduce the transparency of the product. Therefore, it is important to take good care of your glasses. This prolongs the service life and good appearance.

Диана Дашкевич glasses cleaning advices Helpful tips

Chicken eggs can be one of the healthiest products you can start your day with. Most people eat eggs for breakfast almost every day, but lots of us still have some misconceptions about them.

Kate Yakimchuk eggs cooking healthy food misconceptions Cooking

Surely you have noticed this habit with your pet or other people's dogs. In the article we will tell you what licking is actually connected with.

Диана Дашкевич dogs animal care pets facts Animals
living room

Flower patterns have been used for centuries, but their interpretation is always different. Modern interior designers still use floral ornaments sometimes, but the newest trends don't rely on flowers too much.

Kate Yakimchuk design tips interior interior mistakes House Design

I-messages are "real" I-messages if they only express your impressions, feelings, thoughts and needs, without attributing responsibility to the recipient - not even "subconsciously".

Диана Дашкевич mental health communication friends Psychology

Manipulators tend to be one of the most dangerous types of people. Even when their intentions are good, they can affect your thoughts and will to make you do what they want.

Kate Yakimchuk manipulation personal boundaries personality Psychology

Давайте разберёмся, в каких случаях превращение кружки в осколки - это счастливая примета, а в каких - не совсем.

Сергей Туманов посуда кружка народные приметы проблемы счастье Люди и события