Последние новости за 22 сентября 2023 года


Animal prints tend to cause emotions - some people love them, some people hate them, and usually nothing in between. Using these prints in the interior can be both amazing and overstimulation, so it's better to learn more about pros and cons in advance.

Kate Yakimchuk prints nature interior tips House Design

A flat comb or a comb with closely spaced teeth is best for removing pellets. It will be more convenient if the teeth are not sharp: during the process of cleaning the fabric, they will not constantly “cling” to the plexuses, if you need to remove pellets, for example, from a sweater.

Диана Дашкевич clothes clothing care lifehacks Helpful tips

Tomatoes are one of the basic vegetables that most gardeners love, but how can you grow them? There are two ways of growing them - from seeds or from seedlings - and each of them has some benefits.

Kate Yakimchuk tomatoes seeds seedlings tips gardening Garden

Речь в первую очередь идёт о старых предметах, которые уже нельзя использовать по прямому назначению, но человек продолжает хранить их.

Курчев Антон деньги удача вещи проблемы народные приметы Люди и события

There are single wall shelves that can be hung individually, one above one or in a checkerboard pattern, wall shelves that have several tiers, as well as floor shelves, which are usually placed against the wall on the floor.

Диана Дашкевич bookshelf interior advices House Design

You are what you eat, they say. But it's not just your body that gets affected. Research discovered that residing in an underprivileged neighborhood can influence the foods you choose, your weight gain, and even the microstructure of your brain.

Kate Yakimchuk research food environment habits health Cooking

Сбор урожая многих сортов яблок приходится на вторую половину сентября и на первую половину октября.

Курчев Антон яблоки урожай хранение картофель лук чеснок Минск

Wasp bites aren't just painful - they can also be potentially dangerous, especially if your pet is allergic. In most cases, you can see swell pretty quickly, but there are also other signs that can hepl you understand that your pet was attacked by a wasp.

Kate Yakimchuk wasps bite pets dogs tips Animals

Window cleaner works well for removing adhesive residue on glossy surfaces such as glass and plastic. Spray the sticker and wipe with a napkin.

Диана Дашкевич stains cleaning lifehacks Helpful tips
holding hands

It's often pretty hard to achieve good mutual understanding with your mature parents - you are simply too different and have different values. Meanwhile, if your parents actually love you and want the best for you, you can fix your communication with them without arguing and conflicts.

Kate Yakimchuk parents relationship communication tips family Psychology

Чтобы в будущем ребёнок стал успешным и счастливым человеком, он должен чувствовать поддержку со стороны родителей.

Курчев Антон ребенок родители поддержка слова успех Дети