10 Toxic human foods you should never feed your cat, according to vets

25.07.2024 04:00

Cats are curious creatures and are often interested in the food people eat.

However, most human food is extremely toxic to your pet.

Here are some common foods that you should never feed your cat.


The fact is that chocolate contains substances such as theobromine and caffeine.

They are extremely toxic to the body of cats.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Even small amounts of chocolate can cause serious health problems for your pet.

For example, seizures, tremors, breathing and heart problems.

Onion and garlic

These vegetables are toxic to many animals, including cats.

They greatly harm the cat’s red blood cells, which leads to anemia in the animal.

Symptoms of poisoning often include decreased appetite, decreased activity, and physical weakness and lethargy in the cat.

Grapes and raisins

Grapes and raisins are extremely toxic to cats.

Fruits can lead to kidney failure in your pet.

Early symptoms of poisoning include vomiting and hyperactivity.


Even a small amount of alcohol can be extremely dangerous to the health and life of a cat.

Alcohol poisoning leads to difficulty breathing, tremors, vomiting, and diarrhea.


Caffeine is found in dark chocolate, coffee, energy drinks, and tea.

This substance is toxic to cats and leads to increased levels of anxiety, rapid breathing, increased heart rate and muscle tremors.


In fact, dairy products are not safe for your pet.

You should not feed your cat cheese or milk, as animals often suffer from lactose intolerance.

Therefore, consuming dairy products can lead to digestive problems such as diarrhea and stomach upset.

Raw eggs, meat and fish

Raw eggs may contain salmonella or E. coli. They can be harmful to both cats and people.

In addition, raw fish contains an enzyme that breaks down thiamine, an essential B vitamin for cats, leading to neurological problems in the animal.

Therefore, meat and fish need to be thermally processed.


This is an artificial sweetener found in many sugar-free products.

This substance can cause a rapid release of insulin in cats, leading to hypoglycemia - low blood sugar.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia include vomiting, loss of coordination and seizures.


Cooked bones can splinter and cause blockages or ruptures in your cat's digestive system.

Even raw bones can cause choking or damage to teeth.

Yeast dough

Unbaked dough can expand in a cat's stomach, causing severe pain and potentially leading to a life-threatening condition called gastric dilatation or gastric volvulus.

To ensure your cat's safety, always ensure that she only consumes food specifically formulated for feline dietary needs.

If you suspect your cat has ingested something toxic, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Chocolate
  2. Onion and garlic
  3. Grapes and raisins
  4. Alcohol
  5. Caffeine
  6. Dairy
  7. Raw eggs, meat and fish
  8. Xylitol
  9. Bones
  10. Yeast dough