The animal is cold: what to do

10.09.2023 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

The first thing cats do when they are cold is to look for a warm place.

That is why you often see them lying next to the fireplace or on the radiator: cats love to come into contact with very hot surfaces.

How to warm up an animal

The animal must be covered with a warm blanket (plaid) or put on clothes, placed in a warm room, overlaid with heating pads or hot water bottles (through a blanket so that there is no skin burn).

What air temperature is dangerous for a cat

If we talk about specific temperature values, then the critical limit for any cat, including street ones, can be considered -15ºC.

There are also "frost-resistant" breeds - Maine Coons, Norwegian Forest, Siberian cats, whose thick undercoat allows them to survive at temperatures down to -20ºC.


Clothing saves cats that are accustomed to walking on the street, not only from precipitation, but also from wool pollution and parasites.

In the latter case, there is no 100% guarantee of protection, but protective overalls significantly reduce the risk of disease.

How to understand that the dog is cold at home

Pay attention to the behavior: if she is looking for a warmer place, for example, near the battery, she is shaking, tucking her paws, trying to get under the covers, she may be cool.

Tip: If you suspect your dog is cold at home, feel his ears. If they are cold, then the pet's body temperature has dropped.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to warm up an animal
  2. What air temperature is dangerous for a cat
  3. How to understand that the dog is cold at home