How apes are similar to humans: The habits we share

09.07.2023 10:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Apes and humans are surprisingly similar sometimes, and we also share some habits and personality traits.

These animals are often claimed to be extremely intelligent, and it's not surprise, why.

Here are a few examples.

Social bonding

Humans and apes are highly social beings. 

They form strong social bonds within their groups, engage in grooming as a form of social interaction, and demonstrate empathy and cooperation.



Humans and apes are intelligent creatures capable of problem-solving. 

They can find creative solutions to various challenges they encounter in their environment.


Like humans, young apes engage in playful behavior, which helps them develop essential skills and social bonds.

Use of emotions

Humans and apes display a wide range of emotions, including joy, sadness, fear, anger, and love. 

These emotions play a crucial role in their social interactions and relationships.

Learning from others

Both humans and apes are capable of observational learning, where they acquire new skills and behaviors by watching and imitating others.

Family structures

Humans and apes have recognizable family structures. 

They live in family units, with mothers caring for their young and extended families providing support and protection.


Humans and apes have demonstrated acts of altruism, showing care and concern for others without direct benefits to themselves.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Social bonding
  2. Problem-solving
  3. Playfulness
  4. Use of emotions
  5. Learning from others
  6. Family structures
  7. Altruism