Important for Dog Owners to Know: Who is a Cynologist

10.09.2023 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

A cynologist is a specialist in breeding and training dogs, who understands not only the physiological characteristics of these animals, but also has special skills in their upbringing.

Like pedagogy, cynology is a whole science with its own subtleties and approaches.

Why do you need a cinematographer

One of the main tasks of a cynologist is to teach you how to handle your pet, find mutual understanding with him without unnecessary stress for both.

As a result, a strong and reliable contact "man-dog" is established.

A cynologist is a specialist in the education and breeding of dogs.


Training goals may vary. This is, for example, domestic obedience, when we correct behavior, teach the dog not to pull the leash and coexist comfortably with the owner.

The handler will help you practice your skills with other dogs.

The ability to hear the owner in front of other dogs is perhaps the most important skill that a dog must learn from training.

And this skill is achieved by a smooth increase in the complexity of distractions.

At what age to go to the cynologist

Puppies should be raised soon after birth, the most suitable age is 3.5 - 4 months. You can train and educate your dog on your own.

However, this requires a lot of experience and an amount of time, and all the same, the result of “home” training will lose to specialized courses.

How often do you need to go to the cynologist

The full course of training lasts in different ways.

If people are serious about training, then the general course takes an average of two months - if the dogs regularly go to classes and do their homework like children.

Dogs need to be exercised every day.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why do you need a cinematographer
  2. At what age to go to the cynologist
  3. How often do you need to go to the cynologist