Should you feed your dog vegetables, according to vets

09.07.2024 05:00

Not many people know whether dogs can eat vegetables and fruits.

Is it necessary to feed your dog vegetables

You can regularly include vegetables and fruits in your dog's diet.

The fact is that they are important sources of fiber, which plays an important role in the health of the digestive system.

In addition, vegetables and fruits also contain beneficial vitamins and minerals that keep your pet healthy throughout the entire body.

If you do not overuse the amount of plant food, your pet will receive fiber.

Photo: © Belnovosti

This can lead to digestive problems and mineral and vitamin deficiencies.

What vegetables can a dog eat

Dogs can eat carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, bell peppers, celery, potatoes, and beets.

It is best to give your dog raw vegetables. Carrots or pumpkin can be boiled without adding salt or other spices.

According to veterinarians, eating carrots and pumpkin can lead to better absorption of beta-carotene by your dog's body.

Experts recommend feeding your pet chopped and peeled vegetables.

It is important to boil the potatoes until tender. However, do not add milk, cream, spices or butter.

You also just need to boil the beets and give them small chopped pieces.

Don't give dogs vegetables in large quantities - a couple of pieces will be enough to keep your pet healthy.

Dogs love vegetables as a crunchy snack.

You should not give a lot of vegetables, as this can cause stomach upset in the animal.

One or two small servings of vegetables per week will be enough.

Fried and canned vegetables are contraindicated for dogs, but raw or boiled ones can be added to your pet’s diet.

Previously, we told you what fruits can be given to dogs.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Is it necessary to feed your dog vegetables
  2. What vegetables can a dog eat