How much salt to pour per 1 kg of minced meat for cutlets: every housewife must know about this

06.04.2022 21:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 20:58

Housewives have long been arguing about how to properly salt minced meat and how much salt should be added per kilogram of weight.

Someone measures salt in pinches, someone measures with spoons, while others are used to weighing each gram.

Here's what professional chefs think and advise about this.

Of course, the recommendation to add salt to the eye or taste sounds rather vague, and in cooking with such formulations you will not go far.

What to consider

Minced meat, fish or poultry may require different amounts of salt.

Foto: Pixabay

In addition, the quantity and properties of additional ingredients, such as bread, eggs, vegetables, rice, should be taken into account.

You should also remember about the spices that many housewives love to season minced meat with.


Taking into account all these indicators, professionals have calculated that, on average, no more than 20 grams of salt is required per 1 kilogram of minced meat.

If you translate this indicator into teaspoons, then you should get 2 tsp, without a slide.

For minced fish, the same norm is used.

Important! It is recommended to salt the minced meat only after all the ingredients have been added to it.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

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