Why do experienced housewives put matchesinto the water when they boil eggs

27.04.2022 15:15

Boiling an egg is a very simple task. However, it happens that during cooking it begins to crack.

As a result, the protein flows out, which means that you will no longer be able to get an appetizing dish.

However, there is one life hack that experienced housewives use to prevent cracking.

Everyone knows that water must be salted or vinegar added to it before cooking so that the shell remains intact.

However, not every novice housewife knows that you can use matches or toothpicks.

Foto: Pixabay

It turns out that somehow toothpicks and matches also keep the protein from flowing out of the egg, even in the case of a small crack in the shell.
There is no explanation for this, but many chefs note that this method always works.

In this case, do not use too many matches. It is enough to throw only 3-5 pieces into boiling water.

After 10 minutes, you need to cool the eggs and check them for damage.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource