How to feed up an apple tree so that the fruits do not fall: a method that will surely work

26.04.2022 18:15
Updated: 09.04.2023 01:49

Often a situation arises when apples are on the ground long before they reach maturity.

If the gardener saw a considerable number of seed buds on an apple tree, then it is too early to be happy.

After all, no one guarantees that all the fruits will be preserved.

f course, an amateur gardener wants unripe fruits not to fall and remain on the fruit tree.

To do this, it is necessary to prevent all possible processes leading to crop loss.

Foto: Pixabay

Why apples can fall

There are many possible explanations for what is happening. One of the most common causes is pest attack.

If there are caterpillars or codling moths on the fruit tree, then you need to use special pest control products, otherwise there will be no good harvest.

Another possible explanation for fruit shedding is lack of water. Here the problem is solved simply - by resuming regular watering.

In addition, falling apples from a tree is often associated with a deficiency of some and an excess of other nutrients. In this case, the plant must be properly fed.

What fertilizer to use

You should use a product based on superphosphate. On a bucket of water - about 20 grams of this phosphate fertilizer.

After mixing, you get a mixture, which you need to feed the apple tree to prevent unripe fruit from shedding.

Moreover, you need to water the plant not at the root. The liquid should be in small depressions made around the tree.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Why apples can fall
  2. What fertilizer to use