How to get rid of weeds between paving slabs: an easy way

29.03.2022 15:15

As soon as the grass begins to grow between the paving slabs on the site, it begins to seem that is the badly kept place.

You should get rid of such an untidy path.

However, the task can be difficult, since weeds usually germinate, which always create problems for summer residents.

Cunning owners were able to find a great way that does not require serious physical or material costs.

First you need to prepare a special solution.

Foto: Pixabay

In a bucket or watering can you need to mix water and 70% vinegar essence. It's important to keep the proportions. For three parts of water, you should take only one part of the product.

After that, mix a tablespoon of salt and ten drops of any detergent into the solution.

Then water carefully the weeds with the finished substance.

It is recommended to carry out such spraying in the evening so that the vinegar solution does not quickly evaporate in the sun.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource