Blue kitchen can help lose weight: Psychologists explain how blue kitchens affect hunger

03.06.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

If you want to reduce appetite and lose some weight, changing your interior design can help!

Psychologists claim that blue color can make you less hungry, so blue kitchen or even plates can help.

That's how specialists explain this curious fact.

Psychological Association

Blue is often associated with calmness, tranquility, and even serenity. It is not commonly associated with food or stimulating appetite, and that's why your brain feels less hungry when you eat from a blue plate. Seeing blue in a dining or eating environment may create a subconscious association with relaxation rather than the stimulation of appetite.

Color Contrast

Blue is considered a less appetizing color in many natural food sources. Few foods in their natural state are blue, which could subconsciously signal to the brain that the food is less appealing or less edible. This can potentially reduce the desire to eat.


Visual Satiation

Visual satiation refers to the phenomenon where repeated exposure to a particular stimulus decreases the desire or interest in that stimulus. If a person is surrounded by blue-colored objects or decor while eating, it may lead to a quicker feeling of visual satiation, making them feel full or less interested in eating.

Though changing wall paint or wallpaper in your kitchen won't help with serious eating disorders, it can help your brain to relax, so you will eat less.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Psychological Association
  2. Color Contrast
  3. Visual Satiation