Why some people place their washing machines in the kitchen: It can be more convenient than you think

13.05.2024 21:24

Lots of people have special rooms for washing and drying machines, or place them in bathrooms.

Placing washing machines in the kitchen is a common practice in many households, and there are several reasons why people choose this location.

Let's find out more!

Space Efficiency

In smaller homes or apartments, space is often limited. 

The kitchen, being a central area, is sometimes the most practical and space-efficient place to install the washing machine.


Water and Plumbing Access

Kitchens typically have easy access to water supply and drainage pipes, making it convenient for connecting the washing machine to the plumbing system.

Utility Connections

In many homes, the kitchen is where utility connections, such as electricity and water, are readily available. 

It minimizes the need for extensive modifications or additional plumbing work.

Ventilation and Drying

Kitchens usually have good ventilation, which is beneficial when the washing machine is running and generating steam. 

Additionally, drying laundry indoors becomes more manageable in the kitchen with access to a clothesline or drying rack.

Noise Control

Placing the washing machine in the kitchen allows homeowners to monitor its operation and reduces the noise impact on other parts of the house.

Integrated Design

Some modern kitchen designs incorporate the washing machine discreetly into the cabinetry, creating a seamless and integrated look.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Space Efficiency
  2. Water and Plumbing Access
  3. Utility Connections
  4. Ventilation and Drying
  5. Noise Control
  6. Integrated Design