English breakfast benefits: Nutritionist's tips

17.11.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Traditional English breakfast is popular all over the world, not only in England - and there are a few reasons for that.

For instance, it has lots of health benefits that can help you stay full and healthy for years.

Let's find out more about it.

Protein Powerhouse

Imagine protein as the superhero that helps build muscles and keeps you strong. 

A traditional English breakfast has eggs, bacon, and sausage, like a protein-packed team ready to support your body.


Sustained Energy

It's like having a slow-release energy potion. 

The combination of protein and complex carbs in the breakfast, such as toast and beans, provides a steady stream of energy, keeping you fueled throughout the morning.

Brain Boosters

Certain foods in the breakfast, like tomatoes and mushrooms, are like brain boosters. 

They contain nutrients that support brain function, helping you think clearly and stay focused during the day.

Nutrient Bonanza

Think of breakfast as a treasure chest full of vitamins and minerals. 

Items like tomatoes, beans, and mushrooms provide a variety of nutrients, supporting overall health and well-being.

Healthy Fats

Just like a superhero needs a cape, your body needs healthy fats. 

The eggs and bacon in the breakfast offer good fats that are essential for various bodily functions, from cell health to energy storage.

Digestive Helpers

Fiber from foods like toast and beans is like the janitor for your digestive system. 

It helps keep things moving smoothly, preventing discomfort and promoting a happy tummy.

Immune System Support

Vitamins, especially vitamin C from items like tomatoes and orange juice, act like shields for your immune system. 

They help protect you from getting sick and keep your defenses strong.

Cultural Comfort

A traditional English breakfast is like a warm embrace from tradition. 

It connects you to the past, creating a sense of comfort and familiarity that sets a positive tone for the day.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Protein Powerhouse
  2. Sustained Energy
  3. Brain Boosters
  4. Nutrient Bonanza
  5. Healthy Fats
  6. Digestive Helpers
  7. Immune System Support
  8. Cultural Comfort