Expert Explained: What is Activated Charcoal

09.11.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

A study of 52 adults found that taking activated charcoal reduced gases that could interfere with ultrasound images.

How is activated carbon made

Activated carbon is made from vegetable charcoal, which is obtained by heat treating hardwood, bamboo, coconut or peat.

Coal is the remains of burnt organic material, which are cooled, strong pieces of black color.

What does activated carbon contain

Activated carbon is 87-97% carbon by weight and may also contain hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and other substances.

In its chemical composition, activated carbon is similar to graphite, a material used, among other things, in ordinary pencils.


Why should you take activated charcoal

Treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, flatulence, food poisoning from spoiled foods, medications, alcohol and heavy metal salts (twenty to thirty grams of powder per glass of water for poisoning, one to three tablets three times a day for flatulence).

With the help of activated carbon, you can remove any toxic substances and compounds from the body, excluding only alkali, acids, methanol, karbofos, as well as some salts and ethylene glycol.

Advantages of the drug: gentle effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa; lack of metabolism and absorption process.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How is activated carbon made
  2. What does activated carbon contain
  3. Why should you take activated charcoal