Coffee: What is the Processing Method – You Didn’t Know About It

17.01.2024 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The process of separating the seed from the pulp is called coffee processing.

Why is the way coffee beans are processed important

Previously, it was not given much importance, although one mistake can lead to a defect in the entire batch.

Over time, farmers realized that the way coffee is processed directly affects not only the quality of the supply, but also the final taste of the cup.


Coffee processing affects the coffee's flavor profile and balance.

There are three main methods of processing grains: washed, natural (dry) and honey (from the English honey - honey).

What does washed processing do for coffee beans? Due to the fact that the grain is immediately cleared of the pulp that gives it its sweetness, the taste will be less sweet and more acidic due to prolonged contact with water.

Natural or dry is a processing in which the coffee berry is first dried and then the pulp is removed from it.

This is the oldest processing method. While the coffee is drying in the berry, the beans are not fermented.

Therefore, all sugars (fructose and glucose) are retained in the grain.

Previously, we talked about caffeine.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource