Fiber: Where It's Found and What It's Needed For

24.10.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

For example, whole grains are a source of insoluble fiber, which helps control weight, promote gut and heart health, and maintain regular bowel movements.

What is fiber for

Fiber foods are beneficial because they help regulate blood sugar levels, affecting hunger and satiety.

In addition, coarse fibers play an important role in digestion, providing mechanical movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract.

Soluble fiber helps reduce blood glucose and cholesterol levels.

Found in foods such as oatmeal, beans and legumes, and some fruits and vegetables.


Insoluble fiber acts as a brush that cleanses the digestive tract.

Which fiber is better absorbed

Soluble fiber (such as in cucumbers, blueberries, beans, nuts) helps slow digestion.

Thus, sugars are released and absorbed longer, and sugar levels are regulated.

Soluble fiber lowers cholesterol and keeps you feeling full longer.

Legumes, nuts, cereals, and whole grain bread are rich in fiber.

All these products help you lose weight properly.

You can also successfully use dry fiber.

It is sold in pharmacies, supermarkets, and health food stores.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is fiber for
  2. Which fiber is better absorbed