Tuna: Health Benefits

06.11.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Red tuna meat (Thunnus albacares) is similar to beef or veal, but is more tender in texture and taste.

What are the benefits of tuna

Tuna, like many other fish, is an excellent source of almost all B vitamins, especially niacin, which is beneficial for the nervous system and skin.

This fish is especially rich in vitamin B12, necessary for the formation of DNA molecules. 100 grams of product contains more than three daily norms of this useful substance.

Tuna meat contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, which normalize metabolic processes in the body responsible for fat metabolism, and also slow down the aging process.

Fatty acids also play an important role in the synthesis of serotonin, a natural antidepressant.


Tuna contains a huge amount of protein, which, unlike meat, is absorbed and digested by 95%.

It contains all 8 essential amino acids for humans.

What is the best way to eat tuna

Biologically active substances are retained in tuna even after heat treatment, so it is useful to consume this fish in any form (boiled, steamed or grilled, canned in its own juice and oil), the difference is only in the percentage of biologically active substances.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What are the benefits of tuna
  2. What is the best way to eat tuna