Some types of proteins play an important role in heart health.
Diana Dashkevich seafood health health facts food Cooking 14 August 2024Not many people know whether sushi is good for the body.
Diana Dashkevich sushi healthy food Cooking 26 June 2024Mackerel is one of the healthiest types of fish. It is an excellent source of healthy fats, protein, and many vitamins: B2, B3, B6 and B12, as well as vitamin D.
Diana Dashkevich health facts healthy food vitamins health Cooking 8 June 2024Chicken and slaves are healthy foods that are suitable for diets. In this article, we will tell you which foods are healthier.
Diana Dashkevich food nutrition meat chiken health facts Cooking 11 April 2024Many people have heard that fatty foods are harmful. In this article we will tell you whether this is really so.
Diana Dashkevich fats health health facts food facts nutrition Cooking 14 March 2024In this article, we will tell you the health benefits of salted fish.
Diana Dashkevich food facts health health facts healthy food Cooking 3 March 2024They have a high level of intelligence, sociality, cultural traditions - the tradition of hunting and dialects. Such parallels are very interesting for understanding how evolution works in general.
Diana Dashkevich nature wild nature animal facts Animals 1 February 2024From different water creatures, axolotls have lots of features that might surprise you! These tiny cute creatures have lots of amazing adaptations that help them survive underwater.
Kate Yakimchuk nature animal facts animal adaptation Animals 31 January 2024Whites are the largest predatory fish on Earth. The female great white shark is remarkable for its size.
Diana Dashkevich sharks wild nature animal facts Animals 30 January 2024From many sea creatures, sea horses are one of the most unusual ones – and it's not only because of how they look! Except for their unusual shape, these little creatures have lots of amazing abilities and adaptations you might not know about.
Kate Yakimchuk animal facts nature Animals 30 January 2024Eel has become popular due to its special sweetish taste and high content of vitamins: almost a quarter of the carcass consists of saturated fats, which are necessary for the body to function properly. This fish contains B vitamins, vitamins A and D.
Diana Dashkevich food healthy food food facts Cooking 29 January 2024The importance of fish in nature and human life is great. They purify water and are food for animals and humans. Fish are a valuable source of nutrients. Fish oil is used as a medicine.
Diana Dashkevich nature wild nature fun facts Animals 24 January 2024Movies like Jaws have planted the fear of sharks deeply in our minds, so many of us are afraid of them even when we swim in places with no sharks. While sharks can actually be deadly, they don't attack people that often – so your chances to be killed by a shark are extremely low.
Kate Yakimchuk sharks animal facts wild nature danger Animals 23 January 2024Mackerel can be one of the most delicious types of fish – but only if you know how to cook it correctly! Luckily, it's not that hard to find some amazing recipes, and you can also adjust them a bit to suit your tastes better.
Kate Yakimchuk cooking Cooking 14 January 2024For most people, only the kind of fish matters – they just recognize its taste and texture. But if you actually love fish, then you might know that even male and female fish of the same kind might have a slightly different taste and texture.
Kate Yakimchuk salmon tips Cooking 11 January 2024While most people only choose fish based on its kind or origin, some chefs also pay attention to whether the fish is male or female. Male and female fish don't always have too many differences, but you can sometimes notice that their taste and texture are slightly different.
Kate Yakimchuk cooking tips choosing ideas Cooking 10 January 2024Even the simplest pets can sometimes have surprising and quite amazing features. For instance, aquarium fish might seem to be simple and even boring, but they can also surprise you!
Kate Yakimchuk aquarium nature facts Animals 19 December 2023Pink salmon caviar can be called a “classic” among other types of salmon caviar. It has a neutral taste, medium diameter and bright orange color. The shell of the eggs is not strong enough, so when the eggs are stirred, some eggs burst, forming caviar juice.
Diana Dashkevich food vitamins healthy food food facts Cooking 9 December 2023Most fish have a streamlined body shape and are good swimmers. The body consists of a head, torso and tail. In bony fishes, the head is closed on the sides by gill covers, which protect the gills and ensure the movement of water in the gill cavity. The body is covered with skin with scales.
Diana Dashkevich wildlife nature wild nature animal facts Animals 8 December 2023Mackerel has a rich, juicy fishy taste. It manifests itself especially well during cold smoking.
Diana Dashkevich nutrition food healthy food food facts Cooking 28 November 2023