Americans used to love canned food, and though we still have plenty of canned food to choose from, things used to be way stranger.
While nowadays you can mostly buy canned meat and legumes, people of the past used to have a huge variety of canned options to choose from.
Let's look closely at some of the most peculiar examples.
Yes, you could buy a whole chicken in a can. It was cooked and sealed in a can, bones and all.
Some companies tried to can cheeseburgers, so you could have a burger anytime, anywhere. The taste and quality were often not great.
Believe it or not, they used to can slices of bread. It wasn't very popular because the texture and taste weren't the same as fresh bread.
Well, not really unicorn meat, but a novelty item that looked like it. It was just a joke product.
In some places, you could find canned rattlesnake meat. It was a delicacy for a few adventurous eaters.
You could find canned pork brains in milk gravy. It was used in some traditional Southern recipes.
Americans of the past loved convenience a lot, and though they still love it, they prefer other types of food to enjoy these days.
But it's still interesting to know what other options were available in the past.