When nothing seems tasty: Nutritionist's tips

21.11.2023 10:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Sometimes when you're stressed, bored, or both, you can't just enjoy food - it all seems not tasty.

While some people choose not to eat at all, it's unhealthy - so it's better to change your habits slowly to stay healthy and energetic.

Here are a few things you can do to get your appetite back.

Start with Small Bites

Instead of a big meal, try eating small amounts throughout the day. It might be easier to manage.

Choose Comfort Foods

Pick foods that usually make you feel good. It could be something simple like a bowl of soup or a favorite snack.


Stay Hydrated

Drink water or other fluids to stay hydrated. Sometimes, sipping on something can be easier than eating a whole meal.

Opt for Easy-to-Eat Snacks

Go for snacks that are easy to eat, like cut-up fruits, yogurt, or nuts. They require less effort but still provide nutrients.

Experiment with Flavors

Try adding different flavors to your food. A bit of lemon, herbs, or spices can make things more interesting.

Include Your Favorites

Even if you're not very hungry, include some of your favorite foods in your meals. It might make eating a bit more enjoyable.

Go for Nutrient-Rich Options

Choose foods that are rich in nutrients even if you eat them in small amounts. This ensures you're getting essential vitamins and minerals.

Consider Meal Replacements

If solid food doesn't appeal, consider meal replacement shakes or smoothies. They can provide necessary nutrients in an easier-to-consume form.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Start with Small Bites
  2. Choose Comfort Foods
  3. Stay Hydrated
  4. Opt for Easy-to-Eat Snacks
  5. Experiment with Flavors
  6. Include Your Favorites
  7. Go for Nutrient-Rich Options
  8. Consider Meal Replacements