Expert Explained: What is Mania and the Manic Phase

12.01.2024 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The manic stage is often characterized by a lack of judgment.

The person suffering from the disorder may engage in behavior that causes difficulties for himself and others.

They may, for example, completely neglect their financial affairs or behave sexually uninhibited.

How to understand that you are in a manic phase

Stage of simple mania - all manifestations of a manic state are clearly expressed.

The patient is animated, unreasonably and constantly cheerful, laughs loudly, jokes without taking into account the appropriateness of this.


Productivity is falling. Superficial thinking.

In bipolar disorder, manic episodes occur less frequently than depressive episodes and are of shorter duration.

In the manic phase, a person becomes more active, proactive, and is easily distracted by other things.

The state of the body also changes: appetite and libido increase, the need for long sleep decreases.

Unusually high self-esteem: a person feels especially smart, strong and beautiful, he may be sure that he has special abilities or skills. The need for sleep is much less than usual.

These characteristics of a manic episode typically last a week or more, according to StatPearls, a medical database from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

From manic phase to depression

Mania usually gives way to depression: manic phases alternate with depressive phases. Without depressive phases, mania is very rare.

Manic people often do not notice that they are sick - they react irritably and aggressively when asked about a possible illness.

Previously, we talked about dopamine.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to understand that you are in a manic phase
  2. From manic phase to depression