Interpersonal relationships making positive impacts on your mental health, according to psychologists

28.06.2024 00:00

A person's mental health depends on social connections.

How communication between people affects mental health

Interpersonal communication is communication between two or more people.

Having strong interpersonal relationships helps a person reduce anxiety, stress, and also provides emotional support and maintains a person's self-esteem.

Friends and family help us cope and feel loved and safe.

This is due to the fact that man is a social creature.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It is extremely important for us to communicate with other people, to have those who we can rely on in difficult times.

That's why it's so important to maintain old communication or make new friends.

How to find communication

You can find communication in various interest clubs.

For example, go to a meeting that is related to your hobbies - gardening, crafts, volunteering.

Be open and sincere with other people and you will be able to make new friends.

Even if you don't find friendship this way, you will gain companionship, laughter, and fun from this activity.

Previously, we talked about why uncertainty causes anxiety.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How communication between people affects mental health
  2. How to find communication