Moral behavior can benefit you: A new experiment

06.08.2023 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

A mathematician has used game theory to explain the emergence of different moral norms and generally selfless behavior in human society.

He studied why moral norms exist and why they may differ or contradict each other.

Let's find out more!

The experiment

Salahshour combined two games, the classic prisoner's dilemma and also a coordination game, to understand the evolution of people's moral behavior.

In the classic example of prisoner's dilemma, cooperation does not seem advantageous, but when coupled with the coordination game, moral norms favoring cooperation can quickly become beneficial.


The coupling of these two games leads to the emergence of a moral state, where people benefit a lot from cooperation and coordination.

As a result, social norms and various moral standards develop, promoting self-sacrificing cooperation and benefiting the individual and the group.

Why is it important?

Salahshour's work not only helps in understanding social systems, but can also shed light on complex dynamics in social media and strategic decision-making.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. The experiment
  2. Why is it important?