A new study: Less inflammation matters – a new study proves that

16.01.2024 16:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

In people with ALS, the neurons undergo changes that trigger the activation of immune cells.

A recent experiment shows that reducing inflammation could help decrease the symptoms of the disease.

ALS occurs when the upper and lower motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord, which reach out to the muscles, are lost.

A new discovery

Scientists found that before disease symptoms appeared, there were changes in upper neurons in a mouse model.

These changes in neurons communicate with immune cells in the central nervous system known as microglia and astrocytes.


At first, these immune cells help protect neurons, but if they stay around for too long, they can harm them.

Because of this, the connections between motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord decrease, which causes muscles to weaken and lose their function.

How it was tested

The scientists tried a semi-synthetic drug made from a plant called Ashwagandha, which is used in traditional Indian medicine.

The drug effectively reduced inflammation, allowing motor neurons to become more normal again.

Without immune cells causing problems, neurons were able to regenerate, and the branches of motor neurons grew, making connections and increasing the number of synapses with muscles.

Why it's important

This new method shows promise in improving ALS symptoms, whether the disease is familial or sporadic, as both types involve inflammation.

It may also have potential for other diseases where inflammation is a factor, such as Alzheimer's.

Previously, we talked about being initiative, not clingy.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. A new discovery
  2. How it was tested
  3. Why it's important