Tips from a Psychologist: How to Deal with Jealousy

16.11.2023 21:00
Updated: 06.11.2024 10:01

Learning to manage your feelings of jealousy in a healthy way can have a positive impact on your relationship as well as your overall well-being.

Who is jealous

Jealousy is also inherent in people prone to despotism and self-centeredness.

They consider their partner to be their property, despite the fact that they themselves are prone to polygamy and infidelity.

They often suspect their partner of similar actions, project their internal motives onto him, and attribute their own inclinations.

Why is jealousy dangerous

Jealousy destroys a person, making him suspicious, suspicious, and not trusting anyone.


A jealous person moves away from reality and even sees what is not and cannot be.

Jealousy can lead a person to commit a crime.

In psychology, jealousy is considered as a negative feeling that arises from self-doubt when feeling a lack of attention, love, respect or sympathy from a very close person, while all this is really or imaginary received by someone else.

Is it possible to cure delusions of jealousy

In mild cases, the manifestations and causes of pathological jealousy are eliminated during individual or family psychotherapeutic sessions; in more complex cases, the selection of medications will be required.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Who is jealous
  2. Why is jealousy dangerous
  3. Is it possible to cure delusions of jealousy