Toxic Positivity: What Is It

27.11.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

When a person ignores emotions other than happiness, toxic positivity arises.

What is the danger of positive thinking

They ignore their feelings and the feelings of other people.

We simply deceive ourselves and gradually cease to understand what we actually feel in a given situation.

This is confusing and prevents you from adequately assessing circumstances and making decisions on your own.

Within the framework of positivity, any negative or simply difficult emotions become undesirable, as they interfere with achieving the goal.


A person begins to feel guilty if he does not demonstrate faith in a positive outcome of events.

A 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) study found a 25% increase in anxiety and depression worldwide.

Is it possible to pump up emotionality

Psychologists say that you can start working on emotional intelligence even from the age of two.

There is no upper age limit for training.

Nevertheless, the sooner a person learns to recognize and control his feelings, the better his life achievements will be.

How to understand that you are suppressing emotions

A suppressed feeling manifests itself at the most inopportune moment and completely takes over you, dulling rationality in favor of emotions.

This causes a chain reaction or, as they say in construction, “dynamic destruction” - one element breaks, everything else collapses.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is the danger of positive thinking
  2. Is it possible to pump up emotionality
  3. How to understand that you are suppressing emotions