The Golden Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds.
Interesting Facts About Golden Retrievers
Golden Retrievers are a fairly new breed of dog, having been developed in Scotland in 1868.
This means that it is possible to trace the pedigree of all modern Golden Retrievers back to this original litter.

This breed was created by crossing Flat-Coated Retrievers with Tweed Water Spaniels, and was officially recognized by the Kennel Club in 1913.
Golden Retrievers are known for their exceptional intelligence.
They are ranked 4th in the list of the smartest dogs, just behind Border Collies, Poodles, and German Shepherds.
Another interesting fact is that you can guess the color of an adult Golden Retriever by its ears when it is a puppy.
If you have a Golden Retriever puppy and are curious about what it looks like as an adult, look at its ears.
Experts believe that the color of a puppy's ears indicates its adult coat color.
In addition, despite their size, Golden Retrievers are safe and friendly dogs.
That is why they are so popular among families with children.
Golden Retrievers behave predictably and do not show aggression towards people or other animals.
Golden Retrievers are also an extremely active breed that needs daily exercise.
Therefore, in addition to short walks to the toilet, dogs of this breed need space and time for exercise.
Throw them balls, sticks, frisbees, give them the opportunity to run and interact with other dogs.