Important to Know: How to Feed a Cat Meat

19.02.2024 21:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

A 2006 study compared the health of 34 vegetarian cats and 52 meat-eating cats in the United States and found that there were no significant differences between the two diets.

Both groups of owners described their cats as generally healthy.

How to feed a cat meat

In general, you can give any meat that is not too fatty (pork is prohibited).

The most important thing is to maintain the proportions, since in addition to this there should also be entrails, bones, raw eggs, fish and salmon oil (Omega) once a week.

Also, do not forget about offal, which must be included in the diet.


In what form should I give meat to my cat

It is important to eat meat raw so as not to lose essential amino acids and vitamins during heat treatment.

By eating meat, the cat not only gets gastronomic pleasure, but also cleans its teeth.

What meat should cats not eat

Pork, goose and duck meat are very fatty and, when fed regularly, cause many diseases of the digestive system and internal organs: upset stomach and intestines, pancreatitis, liver lipidosis.

Can a cat eat only meat

If you feed a cat meat and only meat, then the animal develops nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism.

This is a disease of the thyroid gland, which leads to decreased mineralization of the skeleton.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to feed a cat meat
  2. In what form should I give meat to my cat
  3. What meat should cats not eat