Scientists have found that 11 thousand years ago, five different genetic types of dogs already existed in different parts of the world.
The study was published in the journal Science.
When did dogs appear on Earth
Dogs appeared in the late Paleolithic - earlier than 11 thousand years ago - in one geographical region of Eurasia.

Already in the initial period of domestication (about 11 thousand years ago), there were several groups of dogs that differed from each other according to DNA data.
What is the oldest dog breed on Earth
The oldest dog, the pharaoh hound Tesem, is a hunting dog that is about 5,000 years old and descended from ancient wolf-like animals and ancient jackal-like animals, as did wolves and jackals.
Then all the greyhounds came from them.
Why did people domesticate the dog
Wild animals were attracted by the smell of food, and they constantly approached dwellings in search of food.
People caught wolves, took their puppies from their dens, tamed them, and taught them not to show aggression towards humans.
Most likely, this is how the idea of breeding domestic dogs was born.
Man's first domestic animal was the dog.
The dog could protect from enemies, some predatory animals, and helped during the hunt.
Then people domesticated sheep, pigs, cows, and goats.