Interesting Facts: How Breed Affects a Cat's Character

25.10.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Scientists from the University of Helsinki (Finland) have developed a questionnaire to identify the personality and behavioral traits of cats.

It contains 138 statements about your pet's health and behavior, with which you must agree or disagree.

How to understand what character a cat will have

You can determine the character of a cat by the amount and length of its fur; if the cat has short and smooth hair, it will be very playful and active, and if the hair is long and very thick, the cat will constantly sleep and require rest, instead of intense games.

Why do different cat breeds have different personalities

Recessive genes in the genetics of the breed (short muzzle or legs, floppy ears, unusual coat or lack thereof, and much more).

Secondly, there is a “constitutional theory of temperament”, according to which character is associated with physique - the more massive, the calmer.


What is the friendliest cat

If you want a furry friend who is always nearby, then choose a cat-human breed.

These include the Sphynx, Himalayan, Toyger, Burmese, Pixie-Bob, Manx, Burmese, Somali, Ragdoll, Korat, Oriental, Exotic and Persian.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to understand what character a cat will have
  2. Why do different cat breeds have different personalities
  3. What is the friendliest cat