Interesting Facts: How Cats Respond to Their Name

21.11.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Japanese scientists have found that domestic cats can distinguish their own names from other words that people say, and even the names of other cats that live with them.

The researchers, whose work was published in the journal Scientific Reports, used the habituation-withdrawal method, which is often used in experiments with children.

Why do cats respond to their name

Pets, as a rule, respond to their name when a treat awaits them.

Therefore, it is better to always keep food on hand.

A cat may respond to its name by meowing, but most likely you should wait for non-verbal cues.


Why doesn't a cat respond to its name

Cats that had not seen their owner were played three unfamiliar voices and then the owner's voice.

The cats' reaction confirmed that they are able to distinguish people by their voices.

Nevertheless, recognition is not at all equivalent to a response.

Therefore, even if the cat recognizes your voice, this does not mean that he rushes to you at the first call.

How to teach a cat to respond to its name

Say the kitten's name out loud more often, giving your voice a gentle and kind intonation.

Animals love affection and readily respond to it. Scratch the kitten behind the ear, stroke the fur, saying the name and other gentle words.

Let your speech be accompanied by something pleasant for it.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why do cats respond to their name
  2. Why doesn't a cat respond to its name
  3. How to teach a cat to respond to its name