Various birds exhibit different levels of flying prowess.
While some species can impress us with their speed, others can be extremely resilient, or great at maneuvering.
Let's find out more about the best flyers in the world.

Some standout fliers include raptors such as falcons, eagles, and hawks.
These birds are known for their strong wings and the ability to soar gracefully through the sky.
They are skilled hunters that can navigate and spot prey from great heights.
Amazing Hummingbirds
Hummingbirds are remarkable for their unique flying abilities.
These tiny birds can hover in the air, darting swiftly from one flower to another.
Their wings beat rapidly, allowing them to stay in one place and access nectar from flowers.
Swallows are recognized for their agile flight.
They are excellent at maneuvering through the air and catching insects mid-flight.
Their acrobatic skills make them efficient hunters.
Pigeons and Doves
Pigeons and doves may not be as acrobatic as some other birds, but they are still adept flyers.
They are well-suited for navigating urban environments and have a strong homing instinct.
Despite their less dynamic flight, they showcase adaptability and effective navigation skills.
Previously, we talked about seahorses.