The heart of blue whales is considered the largest heart in the world and weighs about a ton.
How whales breathe
When northern whales, such as killer whales, swim to the surface and exhale with their huge lungs, a plume of steam appears at the surface of the water, like a fountain.
Steam is formed as a result of condensation of warm air in the cold, just as we have steam from our mouths in cold winter.

How whales sleep
Interestingly, whales sleep for very short periods of time, lasting about 6-7 minutes.
They then wake up, float to the surface, take a few deep breaths and then go back to sleep.
They have these sleep sessions several times during the day and night.
Why are whales on the verge of extinction
Whaling, offshore oil production, poaching, fishing nets, ocean pollution - all this has brought the sea giants to the brink of extinction.
The fight to save these mammals is one of the priorities in the activities of various nature protection funds.
The whale population today is negligible compared to the recent past.
Biologists estimate there are just over 1.3 million whales in the world's oceans, a quarter of the pre-whaling population of 4-5 million.
The 2020-2021 breeding season turned out to be the most successful in recent memory for northern right whales.
Experts report that during the winter they encountered fourteen whale calves, accompanied by their mothers, off the southeastern coast of the United States.
Previously, we told interesting facts about seahorses.