What dog owners should know about feeding

03.04.2023 18:01
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Feeding the animals is the responsibility of the owner. Your pet's health depends on food.

In the article we will talk about 3 basic principles of feeding an animal.

Let the dog decide

If the animal's weight and health are normal, try the free pet selection method. This means that you leave the daily amount of dry food in the bowl, and the animal decides to eat when it is hungry.

This method is suitable for active animals that move a lot and burn a lot of calories per day.

Make sure the food is protected from raccoons, insects and rodents.


Keep track of your food intake

To find out how many grams of food a pet needs, consult a veterinarian. The doctor will tell you what nuances in feeding are important to consider and what type of food is right for your dog.

Food serving recommendations are usually listed on the packaging. The interval between meals should be more than 12 hours. Feed the animal at a specific time

Give dog food at the same time. So the animal is more likely to get used to a certain diet and will not ask for supplements at the wrong time. For example, feed before going to work at 9 am and 7-8 pm.

By following the rules of proper feeding, you will improve the health of your pet. If you have any questions, please contact your veterinarian for help.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Let the dog decide
  2. Keep track of your food intake