What foods should you definitely hide from dogs: expert opinion

21.02.2024 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Some foods are extremely dangerous for animals.

In this article, we will tell you which products are toxic and unsafe for the health and life of dogs.

What foods are poisonous for dogs

Peaches and plums cause intestinal obstruction in dogs. Dried fruits and grapes lead to kidney failure.


Citrus fruits often cause allergies, avocados and broccoli cause intoxication, and onions and garlic cause anemia.

You should not feed your dog cabbage and legumes, as this causes bloating and flatulence in the animal.

Feeding sugar and sweet foods leads to excess calorie intake, obesity and heart problems.

Experts categorically do not recommend adding meat from young animals and birds to your dog’s diet, especially if the dog has liver or kidney disease.

This is due to the fact that such meat contains a large amount of purines, under the influence of which uric acid appears in the dog’s body.

Raisins, cinnamon, xylitol are dangerous for the liver of animals.

You should also not feed dogs coconut or coconut products, as this can cause stomach upset, and macadamia nuts are especially dangerous.

In addition, do not feed your animal chocolate, salty, spicy foods, bones or flour.

Previously, we talked about why cats often hide.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource