It is important to properly care for the apple tree in the summer. It is important to know some growing secrets.
Diana Dashkevich trees garden and gardening advice for gardeners Garden 29 May 2024The apple tree is not compatible with all trees. It is important to know about good and bad neighbors in gardening.
Diana Dashkevich trees garden and gardening gardening mistakes Garden 28 May 2024To have a good apple harvest, fertilizing is important. In this article, we will tell you how to fertilize trees.
Diana Dashkevich trees gardening gardening tips fertilizer Garden 7 May 2024Feeding the apple tree is extremely important for a rich harvest. In this article, you will learn how and what is the best way to fertilize an apple tree.
Diana Dashkevich trees gardening gardening tips advices Garden 12 March 2024If you want your apple trees to stay healthy, then you should pay attention to the smallest details that might signal that something goes wrong. For example, if your tree has yellow leaves, then it might be a sign that the tree is ill, or you should take better care of it.
Kate Yakimchuk tree illnesses gardening maintenance mistakes Garden 19 January 2024Fruit trees seem to be perfectly resilient - they can stay strong and healthy for many years, so low temperatures or snow don't affect them too much. Meanwhile, if you want your apple trees to stay healthy and strong, you should protect them from cold and humidity that can lead to illnesses.
Kate Yakimchuk winter gardening tips protection trees Garden 23 December 2023If you have a small garden, but still want to grow apple trees, then you should try growing vertical apple trees. Vertical plant varieties have a few important benefits that can sometimes make them the best choice for gardening.
Kate Yakimchuk gardening benefits plants Garden 2 December 2023When choosing apple varieties to plant, gardeners pay attention not only to the size of a tree or the taste of its fruits, but also pests. Some apple varieties tend to be way more prone to pests, so they can require lots of work and maintenance.
Kate Yakimchuk gardening fruit trees pests varieties Garden 2 December 2023If you want to grow apples, but your garden isn't bid, then you should try planting pillar apple trees - the vertical ones. Except for their interesting looks, they can be pretty space-efficient and convenient.
Kate Yakimchuk apples gardening tips Garden 7 July 2023Fruit trees can sometimes live for decades and bear fruit regularly, or they can suddenly die, seemingly for no reason. Most fruit trees, including apple trees, are potentially vulnerable to some factors.
Kate Yakimchuk plant illnesses gardening mistakes gardening tips Garden 25 June 2023Most people assume that all apple trees bear apples once a year, but it's not always true. There are some factors that can make these trees bear fruit way more rarely.
Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips apples Garden 16 June 2023Caring for an apple tree is not as difficult as it seems. In the article, we will analyze the main points in growing apple trees.
Diana Dashkevich gardening advices tips Garden 12 June 2023You can see apple trees in almost every garden, because they are relatively easy to grow, and apples are just delicious. If you're new to planting fruit trees, then you should know a few things about these plants in advance.
Kate Yakimchuk apples gardening tips gardening Garden 6 June 2023