From many fruits, durians can be easily recognized by one of their most distinctive features – their smell. Meanwhile, it also has some other interesting features, making durians one of the most interesting fruits in the world.
Kate Yakimchuk healthy food smell Cooking 4 February 2024Food has never been so accessible all the time – it used to be a huge problem to grow, buy, and store foods. Luckily, preservation methods helped people of the pact a lot, and new inventions have made it even easier for us to get fresh food almost anywhere and anytime.
Kate Yakimchuk food storage history food Cooking 25 January 2024Local communities can actually benefit people, and they can be even more useful for gardeners and farmers. When you grow plants, you require lots of knowledge, tools, and time, and it's always better to share these things with others too.
Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips plants farming Garden 25 January 2024While some people can't imagine gardening without pesticides, others think that they're not just dangerous, but awful in every possible way. Like usually, the truth is actually somewhere in between – so you should know both the good and bad sides of using them.
Kate Yakimchuk pesticides pest control gardening tips danger Garden 7 January 2024While huge houses require huge vacuum cleaners, small apartments can benefit from smaller vertical gadgets. Modern vertical vacuum cleaners can be quite amazing for most people because of all their benefits.
Kate Yakimchuk vacuum cleaner cleaning tips vacuuming convenience Helpful tips 26 December 2023Mushrooms are amazing on their own - they are diverse, delicious, and also quite healthy! They can also be quite beneficial for people who are dieting or trying to lose some extra weight.
Kate Yakimchuk mushrooms healthy food weight management food Cooking 24 December 2023Not all insects are pests - most of them just live in your garden and do their own things, so you don't always have to get rid of them. For instance, ants can be both beneficial and damaging to your garden, so you should be careful with them.
Kate Yakimchuk ants garden insects garden pests gardening Garden 21 December 2023Nowadays, lots of people choose to buy robot vacuum cleaners to maintain their houses clean. While these small round gadgets can be extremely beneficial to some people, others might also find them completely useless.
Kate Yakimchuk vacuum cleaner cleaning tips dust Helpful tips 15 December 2023Lots of ladies (and not only ladies!) dream about walk-in closets - the whole rooms specifically designated for their clothes and shoes. While the idea of having such a room might be appealing, it doesn't mean that everyone would actually benefit or enjoy having one.
Kate Yakimchuk wardrobe dresser interior tips House Design 10 December 2023People who are tired of traditional house layouts often try to add creativity by combining different rooms. Sometimes this approach works pretty well - and that's why people combine their kitchens with dining rooms or living rooms regularly.
Kate Yakimchuk living room interior tips mistakes layout House Design 9 December 2023If you want to make your living space actually cozy and comfortable, then you should add a fireplace - but how can you do that? In most cases, you can use a bio fireplace - a safer alternative to a regular fireplace.
Kate Yakimchuk comfort interior home decor House Design 4 December 2023When choosing your healthy diet, try including superfood - it can benefit your health a lot! Superfood is a term that usually describes food that contains lots of vitamins and nutrients that can benefit your diet.
Kate Yakimchuk superfood nutrition healthy food nutrients Cooking 4 December 2023When choosing plants to grow in your garden, pay attention to hybrid plants - they can be quite beneficial! By selecting and combining different plants, scientists have created resilient, effective, and healthy plants that can be significantly better.
Kate Yakimchuk gardening gardening tips planting Garden 3 December 2023If you have a small garden, but still want to grow apple trees, then you should try growing vertical apple trees. Vertical plant varieties have a few important benefits that can sometimes make them the best choice for gardening.
Kate Yakimchuk apple tree gardening plants Garden 2 December 2023When taking care of your garden, you should be very careful with young and vulnerable plants. In some cases, you can use fleece fabric to protect them - it can be quite beneficial!
Kate Yakimchuk gardening plants planting Garden 12 November 2023When gardening or farming, you should constantly remember about soil quality and its main features to make sure your plants are happy. One of the most important features of any soil is its acidity, because it affects your plants significantly.
Kate Yakimchuk soil gardening tips Garden 15 October 2023Sesame seeds are quite popular - you can find them in many Asian dishes, bakery, desserts, and lots of other delicious things. But they aren't just tasty - they can also be quite beneficial for your health.
Kate Yakimchuk sesame seeds cooking food Cooking 7 October 2023If you don't like the idea of having a big cleaning day every weekend, then it's time to try daily vacuuming - it can help you maintain your house clean! You don't have to clean your whole house every day, though - just concentrate on certain areas to make them clean and nice.
Kate Yakimchuk vacuuming cleaning tips Helpful tips 3 October 2023If you're into gardening, then you can enjoy multiple benefits from it, including staying in good shape. Gardening is a physical activity that offers a variety of benefits for overall health and well-being, helping to keep people in shape in several ways.
Kate Yakimchuk gardening health tips Garden 29 August 2023