tree illnesses


If you want your apple trees to stay healthy, then you should pay attention to the smallest details that might signal that something goes wrong. For example, if your tree has yellow leaves, then it might be a sign that the tree is ill, or you should take better care of it.

Kate Yakimchuk apple tree gardening maintenance mistakes Garden 19 January 2024

All garden infections are better to be prevented or noticed early, but everyone makes mistakes, so you can accidentally miss the signs. If you understand that multiple trees are infected, and the infection seems to spread further, then it's time to act quickly.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips illnesses Garden 15 January 2024

Like most garden plants, apricot trees can get infected, and a gardener should notice the signs of infection as soon as possible. It's vital not only because it can save the plant and minimize the damage, but it can also prevent the infection from spreading further.

Kate Yakimchuk apricot tips Garden 12 January 2024

To keep your garden trees healthy, you should know about the most widespread tree diseases. In most cases, knowing the first signs can help you prevent the damage and cure a tree without destroying it.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips signs plants trees Garden 25 December 2023

To keep your garden trees strong and healthy, you should be careful with the first signs of tree illnesses, so you can fix them before it's too late. One of the most common garden tree illnesses is scab, and lots of apple trees can get infected by it.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips apples trees Garden 23 December 2023

Like most things, pruning can only be beneficial if it's done right. You can't just trim your trees chaotically - it can only harm them, or, at least, be completely useless.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening mistakes gardening tips pruning Garden 27 June 2023

Plant diseases spread quickly, so gardeners need to be careful and be aware of the signs that something is going wrong. Just one diseased tree is dangerous for your entire garden, so you need to act quickly.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips pruning Garden 11 June 2023