

When it's Christmas season, people tend to decorate their houses to achieve this perfect and magical holiday atmosphere. The thing is, some types of holiday decor don't actually improve the way your house look - they make your interior look cheap and tacky.

Kate Yakimchuk christmas decorations home decor interior mistakes House Design 13 December 2023

Lots of modern people make their jobs their first priority - they use it for self-validation, feeling of purpose, and simply killing time. Meanwhile, psychologists claim that our jobs don't have to be the only things that matter in our lives.

Kate Yakimchuk work Psychology 5 November 2023
balanced kitchen interior

If you're looking for a striking interior design that doesn't feel overwhelming, then you need to achieve perfect balance - but how? Most people think that you either have this natural sense of balance or not, but it's not always the case - you can learn some tricks.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips House Design 13 October 2023

Balanced diet isn't just about calories - it's mostly about knowing more about nutrients and food groups and how to combine them. If you want to eat balanced meals, you need to make sure that your meals contain all the nutrients your body needs.

Kate Yakimchuk nutrition tips Cooking 4 October 2023

Maintaining a work-life balance among employees can help increase loyalty to the company, increase productivity and engagement, strengthen the reputation of the organization, reduce the number of sick days and absenteeism.

Diana Dashkevich work relax facts mental health Psychology 10 August 2023

Including a variety of fruits in your diet is generally considered a healthy practice.  Fruits are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, making them beneficial for overall health and well-being. 

Kate Yakimchuk fruits healthy food Cooking 23 July 2023

The belief that you must drink a specific amount of water every day is a common misconception.  While staying hydrated is essential for overall health, the notion that you must consume a large volume of water daily is not entirely accurate. 

Kate Yakimchuk water healthy diet Cooking 18 July 2023

The art of balancing colors and patterns in interior design is a skill that can transform a space, evoke emotions, and reflect personal style. Colors play a crucial role in setting the mood and atmosphere of a room. 

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips interior desing colors House Design 27 June 2023