

A series of books and movies about Harry Potter has made lots of people dream about pet owls. While they are actually intelligent and beautiful birds, they aren't the best pets for most people.

Kate Yakimchuk pets pets facts wild animals Animals 18 June 2023

While most animals can suffer brain damage after they hit their head, it surprisingly doesn't affect woodpeckers. Woodpeckers have a unique adaptation that protects their brains from damage while repeatedly pecking at trees. 

Kate Yakimchuk animal facts bird facts Animals 15 June 2023

Crows and other birds who are similar to them often collect "treasures" - small objects that they find curious or amusing. These treasures can be shiny objects, useful sticks, and so much more.

Kate Yakimchuk crows wild animals Animals 15 June 2023

Domestic birds, and especially parrots and budgerigars, often decorate their tails with paper strips. They can make these strips out of books, magazines, or even money, so make sure you don't leave your birds unattended.

Kate Yakimchuk parrots pets facts Animals 14 June 2023

Pigeons are birds that inhabit cities and are kept on farms. In the article, we will figure out what you can feed pigeons, and what foods can harm birds.

Diana Dashkevich feeding animal care facts Animals 14 June 2023

Parrots are exotic animals that require special care. In the article, we will tell you what rules you need to follow for the safety and comfort of a winged pet.

Diana Dashkevich animal care pets facts tips Animals 10 June 2023

While crows and ravens are highly intelligent birds, they aren't exactly suitable for keeping them as pets. These wild birds are very high-maintenance, so most people won't be able to provide perfect living conditions for them.

Kate Yakimchuk pets pets facts wild animals Animals 10 June 2023

Not only parrots can imitate human voices - crows and ravens can do it as well. Sometimes they imitate voices so well, that it even sounds scary.

Kate Yakimchuk crows ravens wild animals Animals 9 June 2023

Parrots are intelligent, sociable, emotional creatures, so they attract lots of attention. Meanwhile, they aren't great pets for everyone, because they can be too loud and even a bit destructive.

Kate Yakimchuk pets facts pets parrots Animals 6 June 2023

Parrots are very sociable and intelligent creatures, who need to communicate a lot. They can also have some health problems that affect both their physical and mental health.

Kate Yakimchuk pets facts parrots Animals 6 June 2023