

The ability to resolve conflicts is an extremely important skill for any relationship.

Diana Dashkevich relationship love mental health communication Psychology 1 August 2024

Every person has encountered rudeness at least once in their life. In this article, we will tell you what to do if you are rude.

Diana Dashkevich communication mental health emotions psychologist tips Psychology 3 April 2024

Lots of people might say that it's better to avoid arguments at all costs, but others might say that it's always better to stand your ground. Arguments can be both dangerous and beneficial for your mental health, and they can affect your confidence and self-esteem a lot.

Kate Yakimchuk communication relationship Psychology 25 November 2023

Words can leave wounds, and it's especially serious when they come from close people. New research suggests that a tendency for spouses to avoid or withdraw from difficult conversations could lead to emotional distress, negative relationship feelings, chronic inflammation, and compromised immune function among married couples. 

Kate Yakimchuk research marriage Psychology 14 August 2023

Fighting in a relationship is normal as two people push each other's boundaries. Just one of the signs of a dependent relationship is the lack of observation that there is a second person in a couple.

Diana Dashkevich relationship communication facts Psychology 31 July 2023

It's always hard when partners want different things, and it's often hard to negotiate. When only one partner wants to get a dog, it can create a challenging situation in a relationship. 

Kate Yakimchuk relationship pets Psychology 30 July 2023

Conflict in marriages is inevitable and can strongly impact children's socioemotional development. A study published on APA PsycNet suggests that how parents, particularly dads, handle marital conflict can make a huge difference to children.

Kate Yakimchuk family children research Psychology 22 June 2023
couple angry

It is normal for couples to communicate and work through their problems together, but some couples tend to argue over petty and unimportant things. While sometimes harmless, it can also be a sign that something is not right in the relationship.

Kate Yakimchuk couple relationship communication love Psychology 16 June 2023