How couples in healthy relationships resolve conflicts: helpful tips

01.08.2024 02:00

The ability to resolve conflicts is an extremely important skill for any relationship.

How to resolve conflicts in romantic relationships

When your partner upsets you, you often want to point out what exactly upset you.

At the same time, you can experience a different range of emotions - from sadness to anger and irritation.

However, psychologists recommend communicating what you do not like through I-messages.

This means that you talk about your feelings, experiences and emotions.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Instead of pointing out only the partner's mistakes and blaming.

Often, accusations include a defensive reaction, a person feels "attacked" and is unable to adequately perceive and analyze information.

You should not play on the person's feelings of guilt, because nothing good will come of it.

Accusations often lead to unproductive conflict and quarrels.

If you talk through I-messages about your resentment and feelings, there is a high probability that your partner will be able to listen to you and give feedback.

Begin your statements with “I” and describe your internal experience of the current situation.

For example, “I feel sad because you did this.” “I felt bad when this happened and I feel upset and depressed, I need to be alone.”

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource