Health Benefits of Corn According to Nutritionists

18.08.2024 18:00

Corn is a healthy vegetable.

Health Benefits of Corn

Regular consumption of corn offers numerous health benefits, including the potential to reduce the risk of stroke, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. 

This is largely because corn is packed with essential nutrients such as dietary fiber, cellulose, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin E, and other beneficial substances. 

These nutrients play a crucial role in activating metabolic processes within the body, promoting overall health and well-being.

When it comes to choosing between boiled and canned corn, it is advisable to give preference to boiled corn. 

Photo: © Pixabay

Boiled corn not only keeps you feeling full for an extended period but also remains low in calories, making it a healthy choice. 

Additionally, boiled corn aids in the removal of excess cholesterol from the body and helps prevent the accumulation of fat reserves. 

This makes it an ideal option for a late-night snack, especially for those looking to maintain a healthy weight.

How Much Corn Can You Eat Per Day

For an adult, consuming 200 grams of corn per day is sufficient, which is roughly equivalent to one cob. 

This portion size provides the necessary daily intake of dietary fiber, which is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. 

However, it is important to note that eating more than this recommended amount may lead to discomfort. 

Overconsumption of corn can cause heaviness in the stomach, indigestion, and increased gas formation. 

Therefore, it is best to enjoy corn in moderation to reap its health benefits without experiencing any adverse effects.

You can eat boiled corn as a separate dish or add corn kernels to salad, soup or pie.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Health Benefits of Corn
  2. How Much Corn Can You Eat Per Day