Interesting Facts: How a Man Shapes a Dog's Personality

12.10.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Just like a person, a dog's personality can change over time, according to experts from Michigan State University.

The study was published in the Journal of Research in Personality.

What determines a dog's personality

Scientists have found that the presence of certain character traits strongly correlates with the age of the dog.

For example, the analysis showed that dogs aged 7.4 years and older have the most positive reaction to training, and dogs aged about 7 are the most aggressive towards other animals .

7 years. In addition, dogs that were better trained were characterized by pain (p = 0.04) and were also more likely to bite people. In addition, older dogs and males were more likely to bite people.


How a person influences a pet's personality

Scientists have found that the owner’s character greatly influences the pet’s habits.

Sociable people have kind and active dogs and cats, while neurotic people have anxious and aggressive ones.

That is why a phlegmatic person will probably get a calm and slightly lazy dog.

And an eccentric girl will probably have an active and irrepressible pet.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What determines a dog's personality
  2. How a person influences a pet's personality