Melon is not only a tasty fruit, but also a healthy one for the body.
How melon is healthy
Melon, due to its high content of vitamins and microelements, as well as low calorie content, has a positive effect on the health of the cardiovascular system.
The fruit also supports vision, since vitamin A is known for its benefits for the health of the visual system.

This product improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. The fruit also normalizes hormonal levels.
In addition, melon eliminates mood swings, calms the nerves and increases stress resistance.
Melon is a valuable source of folic acid, since vitamin B9 is almost completely destroyed during heat treatment.
Therefore, this sweet fruit is best consumed fresh, unprocessed.
Melon is rich in vitamins A, P, C, sugar, carotene, ascorbic and folic acids, fiber, fats and mineral salts such as potassium, sodium and iron.
Fiber helps to establish and maintain bowel function, prevent constipation.
Melon is usually eaten raw, as well as dried, dried, or used to make candied fruit and jam.
How best to eat melon
Melon is not only added to snacks and salads fresh, but also combined with ham, cheese and grapes. In the Far East, it is often served as a side dish for fish.
Unsweetened melon goes well with nuts, vegetables, spices.
The fruit also goes well with exquisite types of cheese, honey, crackers, grapes, almonds. For example, melon goes well with cheeses such as Camembert and Brie.
In addition, melon is also used to make many desserts.
For example, you can make pies or any other pastries with melon, and add melon to sorbet, smoothies, cottage cheese, muesli, homemade ice cream and cocktails.
The pulp of the fruit is also dried, cured and preserved.