How to perfectly fry potatoes: a secret recipe from housewives

09.04.2023 02:32

It would seem that it is difficult to fry potatoes? It is enough just to cut the vegetable into thin slices and put it in a pan with heated vegetable oil.

However, professional chefs do not consider the traditional way of preparing a popular dish to be correct.

Cooks prefer to make fried potatoes differently.

Foto: Pixabay

Professionals are sure: to get the most delicious dish, you need to start acting the day before serving food on the table.

How to prepare a vegetable

Potatoes need to be boiled first. Throw the vegetable into the pan should be at the moment when the water in it has already boiled.

Moreover, the liquid must be salty. The representatively added sodium chloride will provide tenderness to the potatoes.

The cooking time should be 15 minutes. Cooked nightshade should be put in a baking dish, on the bottom of which the “goose fat + olive oil” mixture was previously spread.

It is advisable to mix the future dish so that the surface of the vegetables is completely covered with a viscous liquid. After that, nightshade should be spread out evenly: there should be gaps between them.

The container should be covered with something and sent to the refrigerator. In conditions of low temperatures, the potatoes should be all night.

How to cook potatoes

In the morning, a container with potatoes and freshly added garlic should be placed in the oven, in which the temperature is already 180 degrees.

Potatoes should be cooked in the oven for about 60 minutes - until goldenness appears on the surface of the vegetable.

Another sign of the readiness of the dish is the appearance of a "crunch".

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. How to prepare a vegetable
  2. How to cook potatoes