Just one ingredient that makes minced chicken delicious: advice from advanced housewives

31.03.2022 09:15

Each housewife has her own secret of cooking delicious and juicy meatballs.

However, inexperienced cooks are often faced with the fact that the meat dish is rubbery.

It is important to remember here that it all depends on the minced meat and its pre-treatment.

As the chefs note, minced meat for meatballs should be prepared independently.

How to cook minced chicken

Chicken fillet should be passed through a meat grinder. Also, bread and onions pre-soaked in water should be sent there.

Foto: Pixabay

It is important to observe the proportions. For 500 grams of meat product, you need to take 2 small onions to make the minced meat more juicy.

It is also recommended to take one egg for minced meat. Everything must be thoroughly mixed.

Experienced housewives use another ingredient for cutlets, which makes the dish as juicy and tasty as possible. We are talking about fresh cabbage.

It is enough to take only 100 grams. If you overdo it, you can get lazy cabbage rolls.

Once all the main ingredients are thoroughly mixed, then it comes to garlic and spices.

After that, you can proceed to frying the dish.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource