Olivier tastes perfect if you substitute two ingredients in the recipe

22.03.2022 11:15
Updated: 26.03.2022 11:49

Each housewife tries to surprise her guests with her own homemade Olivier salad.

It has become popular to substitute the ingredients in New Year's dishes to surprise guests with a special taste.

You should not rely on your own taste sensations, but heed the recommendations of the chefs.

Chefs of famous restaurants recommend preparing Olivier salad without potatoes. It can be substituted with iceberg lettuce.

The taste will become lighter and fresher, the calories of the salad will decrease significantly, and you cannot be afraid to overload your stomach and gain extra pounds.

Foto: Pixabay

Restaurants not use for a long time mayonnaise for Olivier. Instead of fatty mayonnaise, homemade sauce is added.

Prepare it like this: beat with a blender an egg, add a spoonful of mustard, half a teaspoon of salt, a spoonful of sugar and 200 ml of vegetable oil.

Such emulsion will make Olivier tastier.

If you add 2-3 tablespoons of horseradish to homemade mayonnaise before dressing the salad, then the taste of the salad will become even more interesting.

Guests will be delighted and will beg for the recipe.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource