What to do if pancakes burn: an annoying mistake of most housewives

23.04.2022 11:15

The process of baking pancakes is a real art. 

Only experienced housewives are able to cook not only beautiful and delicious, but also very thin golden pancakes that have a pleasant aroma.

As for novice cooks, they often complain that the treat burns in the pan. 

This happens in cases where the dough was prepared with errors. 

For example, too little flour was added to the mixture. Fixing the problem is simple. 

Foto: Pixabay

However, it is important not to overdo it with this component, otherwise the product will end up too rigid.

In addition, pancakes also burn in cases when too few eggs have been added to the dough. As a standard, 2 eggs should be taken for 500 ml of all liquid ingredients. But if the eggs are very small, then you can take three eggs. 

Also, the housewives note that too much sugar spoils the dish. For this reason, it is better to use sweet syrups and fillings after cooking than to add this product to the dough. 

Pancakes can also burn in cases when pancakes are fried on too high or low heat. 

Cooks note that the dough should be infused for at least half an hour before cooking, so that the necessary reactions of components that will not allow burning stand out.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource